Monday, October 2, 2017

Ink-tober Days: Divided, we "Fall"

Heehee. Get it?

Anyhow, story-time. I was invited to participate in the 2017 Inktober initiative. Which means that not only will I actually be posting a bit more (oops), but also that for the month, I will be just posting the inked image. Absolutely no digital editing this month. It also should be noted that I only intend to do a half-marathon, as the kids call it. The idea is that every other day you'll get something from me based of one of the two prompts from the two days. Just enough to push me, and still give me room to tend to my life duties. Hopefully I can keep up. But even more-so important, here's hoping my talents and abilities broaden (as we can all benefit from that!). But if not, I have a feeling at least I'll get some joy out of this. 

That being said, today's drawing is a nice start, hey? With a prompt like "Divided" and a brain like mine..... well, you get the "picture". In my expert opinion, childish bickering seems to be the root of all contention, and one of the biggest ways to cause a divide between anyone. Family, co-workers, the best of friends, even. And to passers-by, it can look a little silly, ridiculous, confusing and just sad. Like, I'm not even sure who broke the shovel here, guys. Did that start the fight, or was it the "breaking point"?

Oh yeah, one last thing. I don't think you've met Kimberly yet. See the little girl with the adorable tongue? Yeah, that's her. Promise she's not always this immature. In fact, I was quite surprised to see her behaving this way, myself. She does like to see things go her way though, but who doesn't? I guarantee as time goes on we'll see some of her better days.

Alright guys; stay strong, and keep on keepin' on!

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