Monday, April 25, 2016

You Raise me up....

As Jeff says, nothing chases darkness away like a warm embrace.
This came as a shock to both of us, but there's a sparse amount of hugging mentioned in the Scriptures, or anywhere else for that matter. So, forgive me for not attaching the most inspirational quotes ever, I'm only human. Either way, I'm sure you can agree that the message still shines through, though.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Keep Smiling, Keep Shining

Fighting darkness can't really be done if you don't share the light; a fire that's spread right is a ton harder to put out. So this week's thought is something that Samantha says, always 'brightens' her day. And, when Bethany found out, she was surprised that a simple smile was such a big deal to Samantha. That's the way it often is; the small and simple things often have the biggest impact, even if we don't see it right away.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Challenge accepted!

The challenge was extended by an incredible you tube artist, Colby Ferrin, to post a something encouraging every week, for ten weeks. Something that fights the darkness ever present in our daily lives. Well, the Creecher's and I accept the challenge! For the next ten weeks, we'll be sharing our personal favorite ways to fight darkness.
Hey, you should do this too! Yeah, you! Just post something inspiring- a quote, scripture, an image, a poem, an anything- with the hashtag "#FightDarkness" once a week. It's totally okay if you start late, just don't stop until your ten weeks is over.
So, to start of our personal ten weeks, Randy made a great point when he said that the first thing you need for any fight is ammunition. Extra oil for your own lamps, if you know what I mean.