For the record, and the about two of you who don't know, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or more commonly, the Mormon's, and proud to be one. The works today and probably several times in the future, will display that.
First off, this piece was started months ago, and only a couple weeks ago did I come back and add to it, making it what it is today. The caption around it comes from one of my favorite songs for LDS Youth, 'Priesthood Men' you can listen to it here. Just search it on the right hand side.
Of course, with the kind of guy that I am, having made one for young men, I had to make one for young women, to even the playing field. I tried not to just make an exact duplicate with eyelashes and dresses, and I think it worked out really well. The caption is from an LDS hymn you can listen to here.